Choose a movie
Welcome to the Classic Star Wars Quiz! This game is designed to check your knowledge of the original Star Wars universe.
How to Play
Your goal is to answer a series of questions about a movie of your choice and score as many points as possible.
1. When the game starts, you'll see a question and its options.
Choose an answer by clicking on the corresponding option.
3. If your answer is correct, you'll earn a point and a message will
appear confirming that your answer is correct.
4. If your answer is incorrect, you'll see a message indicating the
correct answer and your score will remain the same.
5. After each question, a result dialog will appear with your score
and a message indicating whether your answer was correct or not.
You'll have 10 questions to complete. If you complete all 10
questions, you'll see your final score and the game will end.
The game will display the next question after each question is
You'll earn 1 point for each correct answer.
Your score will be
displayed at the end of each question and again at the end of the
Game Over
If you complete all 10 questions, the game will end and you'll see your final score. If you run out of questions (i.e. you've answered all 10 questions), the game will end and you'll see your final score.
Take your time to read each question carefully before answering.
Make sure to check your answer carefully before submitting it.
May the force be with you!